function developer( ) {

creative( ); passionate( );


Hello, my name is Dianamar Valdes and through Software Development I'm able to share my passion in creating anything from scratch.

Currently I'm experienced but not limited to Web development and IoT Devices.

$ git clone

Cloning into 'toolbox'...
Checking connectivity... done.

$ cd dianamar/abilities/
$ cat skills.txt


> _







Web development






Visual Studio

Android Studio

Intelli J IDEA


Open Source


Raspberry Pi


Internship Website

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July - October, 2019

The university decided to encourage students to apply for internships program opportunities that appears both locally and abroad. Currently professors and staff receive invitations from other universities and programs but communicating these offering to the student population does not happen in a manner that works for them. Students complain that when they hear about these opportunities it is either too late to gather all the requirements for the application or the deadline has passed.
A website was developed to solve the miscommunication between faculty and students in University.
Users can see all available Internships and Filter through them by Category, GPA, Deadline and Funding, when an internship is clicked information such as Institution, Contacts, Description, etc. is revealed.

The staff members can Login, Register, Add/Remove/Edit Internships, Configure User Accounts, Filter and see Expired Internships.
Software: NodeJS, Express, Bcrypt, Handlebars, AWS Server (EC2), HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

Access Control System

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March - May, 2019

This project was developed by three undergraduate Computer Science students from UAGM, Cupey, Puerto Rico.

We decided to develop real-time autonomous access control system that can be easily integrated and installed to any type of entrance.
Because devices such as phones contain Bluetooth, the Arduino (placed at an entrance) board will pick up this signal. Through this signal the devices MAC address is obtained and will be used for user authentication. Later on, the Arduino board sends this data to the Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi will verify is the user is authenticated in the local database. This database is the one who will be interacting with the Web App, our user Interface. The Web application consists of a Login, Register and Configuration (add or remove users).
Software: NodeJS, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
Hardware: Arduino, Raspberry Pi

Undergraduate Research Project

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May, 2017 - May, 2019

Developed a Sensor Box system that is used to monitor water quality in the Bioluminescent Lagoon at Las Cabezas de San Juan in Fajardo,PR.

I created a small-scaled low-cost portable sensor platform that is geo-located. The Platform is based on a Raspberry Pi (micro-computer) and low-cost probes that is completely portable and waterproof. The system can handle up to four probes (Ex: pH, DO, Temperature and Conductivity) that are easily accessible and interchangeable. Also, it can easily be adapted to kayaks, small boats, or any other water craft to facilitate the data gathering process. Connectivity to the platform includes standard Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. To develop its software, we are using object-oriented technologies to easily maintain and adapt to new probes.
Local Conservation Agencies and NGO don’t possess the necessary tools or equipment to constantly monitor water bodies. Available commercial sensor platforms can be expensive to buy, operate and maintain.
When the Raspberry Pi boots up the main script is set to run automatically, the first parameter gathered is time (GPS), Moreover the main script spawns’ individual processes that handles each probe. Also, the probes can gather data at a customized sampling frequency, this data is stored in MySQL Database. For data retrieval you simply connect to the access point provided and download the csv files.
Software: Python, MySQL
Hardware: AS Probes, Tentacle T3, Raspberry Pi 3 B+, 16 GB MicroSD Card, Batteries (1 set), GPS: GobalSat BU-353 S4

Eight queens problem

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Nov - Dec, 2017

The eight queens problem is the problem of placing eight queens on an 8×8 chessboard such that none of them attack one another (no two are in the same row, column, or diagonal). More generally, the n queens problem places n queens on an n×n chessboard.
In this particular exercise the program is solved with a general Tree. The state of the board with queen/queens is added as a node (except in the root where there is an empty board), when a row is missed or a solution is not found in that instance, backtracking of the tree occurs and the board resets to its previous status where a new child node is added. Lastly, the tree holds all the dead ends and solutions found.

Note: Also works for N amounts of queens.
Software: Java


Icons made by Freepik from

Eight queens

Description and image are from GeeksforGeeks


Logos at the "Skills." section are property of the respective owners.